BY-LAWS April 28, 1987
Article I NAME:
The name of this organization shall be "The O'Fallon Homecoming and Fall Festival Association". It's offices shall be in the city of O'Fallon St. Clair County, Illinois.
The purpose of this organization shall be to foster and promote community spirit and to acquire, develop, improve, BUT NOT MAINTAIN all community-owned parks and playgrounds in the City of O'Fallon.
A. Membership in this Association shall be open to the entire citizenry of O'Fallon Township and O'Fallon Township High School District #203 and shall constitute a pledge to conform to the By-Laws; to accept the responsibilities of membership by serving on committees and holding office when qualified to do so; and to support the undertakings of the Association.
B. The Membership shall:
1. Elect officers and board members.
2. Approve annual budgets.
3. Approve the designation of projects for which homecoming profits shall be used.
4. Revise By-Laws.
5. Approve all other actions.
C. Voting Privileges:
1. Only the members who have attended one prior meeting during the last twelve months shall have the right to vote.
A. Officers of this Association shall be President, Vice-president, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.
B. These five officers shall be elected at the June meeting of the general membership, shall take office at the October meeting and shall serve for two years. Vacancies in the officers of the Association shall be filled by the general membership at any meeting of the Association.
The President, Vice-president and Corresponding Secretary shall be elected in the odd years. The Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected in the even number years. (Revised Jan 28, 1986). A vacancy in the elective office, except President, shall be filled by the Board of Directors until the next election. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the Vice- President shall assume the office of the President and the vacancy will be in the office of the Vice-president.
C. The duties of these officers shall be:
1. The President shall:
a. Preside aver all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors.
b. Exercise all general supervision over the affairs of the Association.
c. Committees:
1. Shall appoint a Chairperson for the Nominating Committee in May; appoint a Chairperson for the Audit Committee in October.
2. Shall appoint Major committee chairperson in November and set up a budget for the following year.
3. Shall appoint all other Special committee chairpersons as required.
2. The Vice-president shall:
a. Act in the capacity of President in the absence, incapacity or inability of the President to act.
3. The secretary shall perform all duties customary to the office and shall be the custodian of all records on the Association.
4. The Corresponding Secretary shall handle all correspondence pertaining to the Association including such things as notification of meetings.
5. The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Association and deposit them in a bank(s) chartered to do business in the City of O'Fallon. The Treasurer shall keep a detailed account of receipts and disbursements, paying them only by authority of the Association or Executive Board. He shall make an Annual Report of the finances at the October meeting. All disbursements of the Homecoming festival itself shall be verified and approved for payment by the Chairperson before payment by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be bonded by the Association.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the five elected officers and six elected members.
A. These elected member shall be elected at the June meeting for terms of three years each; two to be elected in each of two subsequent years. Directors to take office at the October meeting.
B. The Directors shall be responsible for reviewing the policies and activities of the Association to be sure they are in keeping with the stated purpose of the Association.
C. Vacancies of the Board of Directors shall be filled by the Association at any meeting of the Association.
D. Member may be dropped from the Board of Directors after missing two consecutive Board or General Meetings of the Association without prior notification to the President or Secretary.
Meetings of the Association shall be held on the last Tuesday of each month except the month of August and December.
A. A special meeting of the Association or Board of Directors shall be held at any time at the call of the President or at the call of seven members of the Association. The call for a special meeting shall be filed with the Secretary, who shall then notify by letter or publish such notice at least five days before the date of such meeting. Notices of special meeting shall state the time, place and purpose of said meeting.
B. Monthly Board meetings shall be designated as to day and date by the President for the ensuing year at the October meeting of the general membership.
C. Seven members shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee.
D. Six member's of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Board of Directors.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers, Board of Directors, immediate Past- President and Committee Chairpersons.
A. This Committee will meet at the request of the President to review items of interest and submit their recommendations to the general membership.
B. In case of an emergency the Executive Committee has the authority to act on behalf of the general membership.
Newly Revised, shall govern in all questions not covered by these BY-LAWS.
A. No part of the net earnings of this association shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to its members, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for the services rendered to make payments in furthering the purpose of the Association.
B. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these By-laws, the Association will not carry on any activities riot permitted to be carried on by (a) an Association exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or (b) the Association, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
C. In case of dissolution of the Association, all assets remaining after payments of authorized expenditures and liabilities shall be distributed to the City of O'Fallon for the benefit of the park(s) in compliance with and described under Article II of these By-Laws.
For the purpose of carrying out the intentions of the Association to develop or acquire for park purposes, the Association is hereby enabled to obtain necessary financing through Bonds, Loans or other methods of financing after a two-thirds affirmative vote of the voting membership.
Article XI BY-LAWS
These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association; amendments to be presented in writing, signed by the presenting member, and voted on at the next regular meeting. Changes in the By-Laws as presented may be voted upon during that meeting in order to vote upon the By-Laws as amended at the next regular meeting. A majority vote of the voting members Present shall decide. Notice of the meeting for the proposed changes to the By-laws shall be published at least six days prior to the meeting.
The chain of command for the Committee Chairpersons for the Homecoming is now Attachment one to these By-Laws. (Added Oct. 28, 1986)
The policy, for control of the Homecoming's assets is now attachment two to these By-Laws. (Added April 28, 1987)
Dated this 26th day of February, 1981 and presented as amended to the membership:
Joan M. Weinel, President
Presented at the general membership meeting of January 27, 1981 and amended by the general membership present at that meeting.
Page -5- Attachment 2 to By-Laws
I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to insure the proper loan procedures to follow when other organizations or individuals borrow Homecoming owned equipment, tools, machines, floats, etc.
2. In order for the Homecoming to be a success, we must depend on other organizations/volunteers a great deal. Therefore, it is not our intent to restrict or refuse the using of Homecoming items, material, etc. However, we must follow established guidelines to insure we suffer neither safety, reputation or monetary loss..
3. In the event another organization/individual requests the use of Homecoming owned items, the following procedures will be used:
A. The requesting organization (person representing such) will contact either the chairman of the committee responsible for such equipment, or the President or Vice-president of the Homecoming Association. If they have a doubt, the first person contacted will contact the other 2 people for a mutual decision.
B. Providing a decision cannot be reached among the above chairmen / officers, then the President must call a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Homecoming Association for a final decision.
C. Upon approval, the requesting organization must sign an agreement, to be held by the Homecoming Association, stating that: In the event of partial or total damage, theft, or loss of equipment or items, the borrowing organization will pay in full or replace with like items any part of or total item itself. Borrower is responsible for liability insurance.
4. It is the intent of this Policy to insure that each volunteer chairperson maintains responsibility for the equipment under their control. Examples are the Float Chairperson is in charge of the floats, the Food Chairperson is in charge of all kitchen items, and the Grounds Chairperson is in charge of the tents. However, responsibility will not be that of the Committee Chairperson alone. The President and Board of Directors will have full responsibility of such items.
Dated this 28th day of April, 1987 and presented to the membership.
Chuck Powell, President
Presented at the general membership meeting of April 28, 1987, and approve / amended by the general membership present at that meeting.